I've been single for a long time, so I guess I've got used
to it. I'm not sure if that is good or bad? I can handle being on my own, and I
don't usually feel lonely, but it's nice to be with someone, who really wants
you. Not in the way that your parents want you, nor your brothers and sisters,
nor your friends, but in the way a lover wants you. Does that make sense?
I've put one of my favourite groups on - The Strokes,
although I've not heard this album before - 'Room On Fire' - 33.04 minutes,
with about 29 to go, which is my target to finish my 'CV.' I mostly like groups
like this, The Beatles and The Stones being my 'Gold Standard.' Most days, I
select something on YouTube, preferably something I've not heard before, and
see if it turns me on (like John Lennon wants to in 'A Day In The Life.')
I'm semi-retired, or perhaps I'm 'wholly-retired' as I've
not done any work since November, 2014. I've got a contract with a public
service department but they have given me no work this year, and it's the
busiest time now, so I guess they won't be calling me. I don't mind, as
although I like the job, it involves a long commute out to the 'burbs. Not that
I've anything against the 'burbs - Penrith in this case, which I actually
rather like, but one and half hours each way commuting, either on the train or
waiting for the train, is wearing.
I've got enough of an income from various sources not to
have to work anyway, and now that I'm studying a Humanities degree with the
Open University, I've found something useful to do with my time. I'm on my
second unit, which is 'Creative Writing', following on from 'Critical Thinking'
and I've enjoyed it so far. I have to devote at least 20 hours a week, which is
the same amount I used to work. I like writing so I might try to structure my
degree around more writing subjects.
I'm from England originally, coming here in November, 1978,
staying for eighteen years, then, following redundancy, going back to England
for a holiday which lasted twelve years. I looked after my Mum and Dad, and
then after they passed away, I decided to come back to Sydney as I've got a
brother here. I'm from The New Forest, near Southampton, although I was born in
South Shields, which makes me, nominally at least a 'Geordie!' My Mum's side of
the family were from there, whilst my Dad's side were from London. My parents
met in Germany, after The War, and as they came home to 'have' me, I like to
say I was 'Made In Germany.'
I've not been back to England since I left in December,
2008, and I've no real desire to do so, not even for a holiday, though I may do
that some time. I've even let my British passport expire without renewing it.
I've got a valid Aussie one in case I need to travel! I pretend I'm a 'Currency
Lad' but with my Pommie accent, I will always be 'Sterling' and a 'New Chum!'
I still like lots of things about England though, Tottenham
Hotspur, my football team - can't wait for the new season to start in a couple
of weeks, then there are the English newspapers to read on line, and Sky News
UK overnight, and two channels of UK TV. I watched four episodes in a row of
'Doc Marten' the other night, cried too.
My album is almost finished, and it's 8.15 pm, so I might go
down to one of the local pubs here in Surry Hills for something to eat - and
drink. I do like my Surry Hills pubs and cafes. I've got a car, but it seems to
stay in the garage whilst I walk around Surry Hills, occasionally straying into
Redfern, or the southern edge of the City. I like to swim, not so much in the
winter, though I've been down three times in July to Bronte and Redleaf. In the
warmer months I'll be down every night, though the traffic is irritating.
I like shopping in 'thrift shops' (like Macklemore &
Ryan Lewis!) I bought ten shirts the other day in Ted Noffs shop, $5 each. One
of them is a Country Road and I guess that one alone would have been far more
than fifty bucks? I am snobby enough to only look for designer labels. I bagged
up another ten shirts to recycle as soon as I got home. The sad thing is that
my Mum loved to go in charity shops and I took the 'Mickey' and now it's too
late to tell her I like shopping in them too. I paid $20 today for a racing car
game, which I'm hoping will work properly, and I could either sell it on E Bay
or give it to my brother. I keep meaning to sell something on E Bay but I've
never done it. I have many books from the thrift shops too, particularly ones
on rock music.
OK, the album is almost done, and so I am I.
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