Thursday, 9 July 2015

I met someone the other night who really was 'Down and Out in Surry Hills.'

Yes, I was in the Crown Hotel late one night, after Origin in the Trintiy and I got talking to this bloke, half his teeth missing, looked older than me, though he was younger, but he was interesting to talk to. He didn't 'touch' me for a beer or money, just finished his beer and walked out. I think he said he 'rode the trains' all over the Sydney/Newcastle/Wollongong/Blue Mts network, whether to keep warm, or just to do something.

I went in the pub with a couple of mates and I fancy they were looking at me and thinking 'What the *&(* is he talking to him for? I just talked to him about the stuff I say to anybody - 'which team do you go for? (Souths)', 'where were you born?' Sydney) I've met much better dressed people who are still bores! After five minutes, I am thinking 'I've heard your life story, now sod off. Funny thing is that when it is our friends or lovers we are happy to hear their life stories over and over again, same as listening to a favourite album, or read a favourite book (Revolver and something by Steven King, 'The Dead Zone' perhaps, or 'Fire Starter.'

Thinking about that question 'Which team do you go for?', I don't usually make that my first question to a lady, but if they come from Melbourne, I always ask them, and they always do have a team. I remember speaking to three girls up from Melbourne for Mardi Gras. I was out watching Spurs at the Triple Aces and they came in. I said 'I don't normally ask this question but as you are from Melbourne, which team do you go for?' 'Richmond, Richmond, Essendon!' I like the Swans, though I did go for Hawthorn, back when Buckenara, Platten, Brereton, Dunstall, Tuck?, maybe Dipper were all playing together. I think the first player I recognized was ?The Flying Doormat?'

I've worked my way through many NRL teams, Wests, because I liked the 'flying "V"' - reminds me, the bloke I was talking to in the Crown, mentioned John Dorahy and Les Boyd from that first team I followed, along with ?Tommy Radonakis? Wests, Souths - because I was working in Redfern at the old Australia Post Mail Exchange and went to the club for lunch (two courses for 99c? or maybe $1,99) (That club keeps closing! Twice I have been a member.) Norths because I lived in Cammeray for a while with my brothers, Balmain because I liked Ellery Hanley, Canterbury because I liked Geoff Robinson and George Peponis, Parramatta because I liked Ray Price and Steve Ella, and then I finally settled on Melbourne. I can't remember why? I think I was back in England when I first noticed them. I know I like them more than Souths, my local team, because when they played each other I wanted the Storm to win!

There's only one Tottenham Hotspur though,

ps Moral of the story? Don't judge a bloke (or a sheila) by their face?

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