I went to one of my local cafes for breakfast this morning. The Sun Herald and The Sunday Telegraph were both on the counter. I placed my order (for a BLAT and a coffee) and then moved out of the way to let her place her order. I sat down at a table and waited for her to finish. When she did, she took both papers with her. How fucking selfish is that? We could have each read one then swapped. I was the only other person in the cafe. She could have asked me if I wanted one of the papers? No! She wanted to have both. Fucking 'Bessie Bunter!'
I love looking at the crossword puzzle pages in all the papers. If someone has already completed the crossword, I don't mind. If it's the cryptic crossword I am impressed as I've NEVER finished a cryptic crossword. If they have left a few clues, I try to solve them. If they have done the nine letter word puzzle I can still try to get some new words. I usually write the nine letter word puzzles into my notebook and I do them later, on the bus/train/anywhere I have a few minutes to kill.
But what I fucking hate even more than 'Greedy fat selfish selfie' are the ones who tear the fucking page out of the paper. They are worse than her because they are mean. The @&$% who tore the page out of the Herald only wanted the word puzzle but he ripped half of the cryptic away too. He could have written in onto a piece of paper, or taken a photo on his phone.
I don't mind when they take the paper at the end of the day. I do it myself sometimes, though I always ask, and they always say 'Take what you want. We are only going to throw them in the bin." But I still feel mean, still feel like a tight wad. But if I do see them in the paper bins under my block I don't feel mean! I stopped rummaging in those bins when I leant over and my phone dropped out of my pocket and I had to upend the bin to get it out. I have the same problem in the bathroom ever since my sister-in-law told me off for peeing on the floor. I ALWAYS bend down to mop the floor with some tissue paper, and I always keep my phone in my top pocket. It hasn't happened yet but.....
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