Monday, 6 July 2015

Whose turn is it to sleep in the 'wet spot' tonight? (Ten reasons a cucumber is better than a man.)

I woke up this morning and realized that my T shirt was damp on the back. Naturally, in 'Dave World' this mean I was suffering from 'night sweats' until I noticed a damp spot which went all the way to the mattress. Who or what was the culprit? My hot water bottle. I took the sheet and mattress protector off to wash them, and re-made my bed. I re-filled my hot water bottle and put it back in the bed, double-checking that the top was screwed in tightly. It leaked again, so I put a towel down on the spot. (I had a second one there already under the sheet) and threw the hot water bottle away.

This is boring shit, isn't it? Sometimes, you know when you are hot, or at least you think you know when you are hot. This is cold.

I can't even think of ten reasons why a cucumber is better than a man, except for the one which says 'A cucumber won't expect you to sleep in the wet spot.'

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