Saturday, 4 July 2015

Internet dating: Can it work?

I used to keep a record of my internet dates. Nothing sleazy, just the date we met, and if I thought it had gone well. I started at (1) around the end of 2009, when I first started, and I think I reached 70 or 80. There were more than that, but just as lost interest in dating, so I lost interest in keeping a record.

Most of the dates ended on the first date, before the first date had ended usually, because I knew, and they knew, from the second we saw each other that it was going to be a 'No.' I did have a couple of successes, if you can measure success in weeks, I also made a couple of  'platonic' friends. That still puzzles me. We don't want to date, but neither do we want to never see each other again. I called it 'tossing a coin' but instead of it landing 'heads' or 'tails', it landed on its edge. Is that possible?

4th July 2015, and I'm about to pop down to Town Hall to meet 'someone', someone I already met yesterday, so we've passed the 'One Date Test!' This is going to work. I know she likes me, and I like her, so as long as I don't 'Do a Dave' and take her for granted, my single days are over.

And 'Doing a Dave' also includes 'Dave Time' i.e. half an hour after everybody else, and she has just texted me to say she is on the bus, so..........


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