Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Nearly four years since my last entry. Why? A friend suggested that I write a blog and then I remembered I already HAD a blog. What has changed in the intervening years? Not much, judging by the last post about "AFDs" because I have just managed two in a row again, and two last week.

I know that I drink too much. My doctor knows that I drink too much. My therapist (OK, psychologist but therapist sounds just so much more Californian) knows that I drink too much (and tells me). My drinking friends don't think I drink too much but then they drink more than me which isn't a good yardstick.

I started a new unit with the OU this week, Short Story Writing at Griffith uni where I have already completed three units. I am not sure if I will complete the unit as my record is bad, not all bad as I completed the first six units OK, and the next three with difficulty and then started withdrawing from units, four in all I think. It wasn't because I lost motivation, well, not completely, but I started working again and the time I spent at work replaced the time I spent studying.

I shall see how I go as I've done the reading for the first week and as it's a creative writing unit I'm hoping there will be no need to write essays, and more importantly, no need to reference and cite sources. This course uses the Harvard system and I'm only familiar (drawing a long bow) with the APA system.

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