Saturday, 9 January 2016

The evening after the night before (The Trinity and The Strawberry)

Only 1930 so it's far too early to be going out. I'm actually thinking of popping down to Bronte for a swim soon.  I - we - did not get mega drunk last night, but it would have been so much better for our heads and wallets if we'd gone straight home from the Trinity, when it closed at midnight, but of course we were only "half-full" so we went down to the Strawbo.

I've never ended an evening at the Trinity though. Sometimes, it's the entree, sometimes the main course, but even then I have dessert at another place, i.e. The Strawbo.

That's the beer that is our current fave in the photo and it's also the monthly special at $6 a schooner, which is part of the reason we are drinking it, but it does taste good.  They have plenty of great beers, but why pay 8 or 9 bucks for something that never tastes 2 or 3 bucks better?

I had Coopers at the Strawbo whilst Mick had the Great Northern - a mid strength I think, and we shared a pizza, enjoyed it too. Pity Mick called one of the young barmen as in "serve me......" Mind you, he called me a c*** in the Royal Ex the other night. The pub fell silent. In fact every pub in Surry Hills probably fell silent and they all looked at me.

He does so believe in The Illuminati.

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