Saturday, 21 December 2019

Diary of a hypochondriac

No more toothache (I hope), three appointments now completed but need one more to put a filling in over the crown, or into the crown. I can eat on the right hand side now for the first time this year so perhaps there really was a problem even before the real pain.

I've been worrying about kind of vague pain in the pelvic area which I've naturally investigated - blood tests, urine tests, ultrasounds - and my GP recommended no more investigations. Good advice as usual. He thinks it is IBS which is very believable.

My blood sugar is up, the only thing found on the blood tests so I might need to get serious about keeping that where it is if not down. New Year's Resolution # 1. Drinking - there's another NYR no doubt allied to blood sugar control?! Maybe do more to get fitter, even go to the gym? NYR # 3? I'm doing plenty of walking mind, mostly with Tosca.

Now for some work on my OU course - Writing the Short Story - which I'm enjoying especially whilst I continue to malinger from work.

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