Thursday, 10 November 2011

I'm An Insomniac - Get Me Out Of Here!

This is the sixth night in a row, but who's counting? It's my own fault, as usual. I just HAD to stay up all night on Sunday to watch Spurs away to Fulham, kick off 3am. I could have recorded it. I DID record it but I still stayed up because there's nothing like watching it live, especially when you win. I would have gone down to The Triple Aces and watched it but I had a cold. No, not 'just a cold!' It was 'The Mother Of All Man Flu's!'

I'm paying for it now and I've tried everything. Going to bed early, going to bed late. No alcohol, no coffee.(Tea doesn't count does it? Clayton's Coffee!) I tried playing my little game, my pop & rock groups quiz. Name a band - Manfred Mann. Take the last letter - 'N' - Nirvana - 'A' - Animals. I don't use the 's'. There's too many of them, unless the band actually does end in 's', like Manassas & Sassafras - must Google them, I'm sure they were both bands?

The bloke in the paper shop told me 'I'm in The Zone' whatever that is but it sounds cool. My friend Cynthia told me I've got to stay up all day then go to bed at my normal time. Sod that. I'm going to bed right now!

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