Monday, 6 April 2020

Are we all sick of the virus yet?

Actually, I'm so sick of it I don't want to write about it but:

I did 14 days of self isolation

And carried on to day 23 or was it 24 before having a beer.

Saturday, 7 March 2020

The Big V aka Captain Trips aka "don't mention it by name"

Each day I take a photo of the headline in today's Herald and paste it into my diary app on my phone. Each day those headlines seem ever more horrifying, which though awful is excellent exposure therapy for my hypochondria. So it's an ill cliche?

Things still seem normal here in Surry Hills. I get a coffee and sit outside the cafe on Elizabeth Street. Only the occasional passer by is wearing a mask and there is plenty of bog roll in the corner shop. Why aren't the panic buyers descending on Surry Hills?

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Another year, another tooth problem

Actually, it's the same tooth but a different problem. After the successful root canal I was eating a muffin on NYE and the crown fell off. Luckily, I did not swallow it. I found an emergency dentist in Botany and saw  him at 6pm that day. There was no pain because of the root canal but I did not want to leave it exposed for a few days until my appointment today.

The emergency dentist put a kind of temporary filling over the tooth as he could not refit the crown. $150 so not bad for an emergency appointment. The other day part of the that temp filling fell off too.

Today I started fitting for a new crown, or perhaps it was the filling that I knew I needed before the crown is fitted or rather measured?

I have three diaries going now, "proper" notebook, phone app diary and this blog.